The Adult Faith Formation Committee will meet after the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 19, in Deacon John Hall to continue discussions regarding upcoming programs for the parish. Everyone is invited.
Author: admin_deb
The next Parish Council meeting begins at 7 p.m. this Tuesday, January 14, via Zoom.
All parishioners are welcome; contact the office for the Zoom link. If there is a specific item you’d like to discuss, let the office know so the matter can be placed on the agenda.
Meeting minutes can be found on our website.
Once again, our Youth Ministry will be collecting and packing items for homeless men and women as they leave the Middletown Warming Station.
Bags will be assembled on Friday, January 24, and the Warming Station requests that they all contain the same items. The goal is to fill at least 100 bags will the following:
Small hand sanitizers Small bottles of water
Snacks without peanuts Gloves
Packets of tissues Socks
Lip balms Hats
Hand warmers Toothbrushes
Travel-size toothpaste
A collection box can be found in the hall.
Chris Worthington and Deb Harrison, our youth ministers, have launched a new venture: The SPYM Family Devotional Series! They first review the reading in the “Living Faith: Daily Catholic Devotions” to ascertain the day’s core message and then determine how to present it to their audience. A short video, which includes a Scripture reading and thoughts for our youth and their parents to reflect upon, is then recorded and uploaded. Each weekday offers a new Devotional, which can be accessed using the YouTube link below or on Facebook and Instagram. Check it out!
The 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday and 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday are live-streamed.
Here’s the link:
There have been some live-stream hiccups due to software changes out of our control, and we apologize for the inconvenience. We believe we have found an interim fix as we work toward the solution. Thank you for your continued patience.