Why register?
If you’re new to St. Paul’s, WELCOME!
The faith community at St. Paul’s wants you to know that no matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church; or your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, you are invited, welcomed and respected, here, at St. Paul’s Church.
An important part of what we are about as a parish is the active, ongoing participation of our parishioners at myriad activities, as well as worship at Sunday Mass.
Additionally, we are totally dependent on the goodness of every individual to contribute financially, 52 weeks a year, either using envelopes or through the online WeShare program.
Because your priest may not know you personally, formal registration and regular contributions provide us with a more solid basis for identifying you – and issuing documentation you may desire, including that to be a Godparent, Confirmation sponsor or Letters of Freedom for marriage.
So, if you haven’t done so already, consider registering. You can print the registration form and return it to the office.
And then please keep the office apprised of any changes in address, phone number or family status. Let us know, too, if you’re moving out of the area or just moving on.